Thank you so much. Loved this course and really excited about the idea of the salon being an Advanced Clinic. Lauren was amazing as always.
A very informative and enjoyable day. I have come away with some ideas for my business and learned a great deal. I have fallen in love with ECM now.
When I opened my first business (pushing on 20 years ago!) my first investment was two CACI machines - before I even bought a nail file! CACI steered us through a recession and gave us the most amazing business plan and client retention so it’s such a pleasure now to operate CACI Ireland and bring this exceptional multi function treatment system to Irish businesses.
Back in 2001 my sister Julie and I went along to a beauty exhibition, and we saw the CACI stand. We were blown away by the professionalism, amazing technology and science behind the CACI machine. We set up Beauty Xposure and CACI was most certainly on the top of our list - we made the purchase. Over the last two decades we have built up a fantastic loyal clientele who all come back for their maintenance. We have been specialising in Bell’s palsy clients. Our new clients are word of mouth recommendations. Best machine around.
Had a great day on the CACI Refresher course. Really enjoyed and would recommend all salon owners send staff – really worth it.
It’s such an honour to be the CACI London flagship. Our clients love CACI for the dramatic, non-invasive results it achieves. Gimmicks and trends can come and go but CACI lasts the test of time due to the proven results.
I have been using the CACI systems for over 22 years. CACI have been with me and supported me and all my staff over the years. I love CACI treatments! CACI has kept our clients coming in, we would have been lost without it during Covid.
Advanced Derma Care Ltd is one of the newest members of the CACI family internationally. I say family - as in a sense that is how we have felt since undertaking the distribution here in NZ. CACI have been encouraging, inspiring and we know that there is always someone there to help if we need any advice. Like many countries around the world dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak and lockdowns we have been challenged in ways we never thought possible, but CACI was there every month supporting us.
“I am delighted that I have invested in the new synergy by CACI - after been in the business for over 20 years, I was astonished that you and your clients can see instant results after one facial, which encourages the client to book more and recommend to others - this is the best investment I have made in the last 10 years."
‘I’ve fallen in love all over again (don’t tell my husband). CACI has been a brand I have worked with for over 20 years. I’ve always known it was the best for non-surgical, non-invasive face lifting. I didn’t think it could get any better, BUT I was wrong. My new Synergy machine has so much more.’