July 19, 2024  | 

Get Skin Fit with CACI this summer

HIIT your skin with a CACI treatment guaranteed to bestow a fresh-from-cardio-glow

2024 has been the summer of sport from the Euros, Wimbledon and now to the Olympics. Just like we’d strength-train our bodies at the gym, the focus, at CACI, is on strengthening and training our facial muscles to provide our skin with better support as we age. CACI is all about getting skin fit.

‘We have over 30 facial muscles,’ explains Lauren Evans, CACI Training and Development Officer. ‘CACI uses microcurrent to tone, lift and re-educate the muscles.’ Lauren continues: ‘Microcurrent works on stimulating the Golgi Tendon Organ (the brain of the muscle) to re-programme the muscles.

‘The use of microcurrent and the movements we perform in a CACI treatment create either a lengthening or shortening action of the muscles. When we lengthen, we release tension in the muscles, which is responsible for lines and wrinkles. When we shorten the muscle, we lift the muscles, targeting those muscles that have dropped.’

Lisa Franklin, facial expert and founder of CACI’s London flagship, Lisa Franklin Clinic Prive in Knightsbridge, agrees: ‘It's all about muscle memory. The process of lifting, firming and toning the muscles will provide a sustained lifted and sculpted look over time.

However, ‘much like going to the gym you will see optimum results the more they are ‘exercised', says Lisa ‘and a course of treatments is the most efficient way to achieve desired results.  Afterwards, ongoing regular sessions will ensure sustained results. Just like a full-body workout, the results will gradually diminish if you stop.’ A course is advisable – 10-15 treatments, a minimum of two to three treatments a week.

‘As a CACI trainer - we liken this to your gym routine, explains Lauren. ‘You wouldn’t go to the gym once a week and expect to see the same results as someone who went two to three times a week. We build up the microcurrent as you go through the course, as you would increase weights at the gym to gain strength.

Lauren continues: ‘It is important you follow the course to ensure the best results and to not over exhaust the muscles. Leave one day ‘rest’ between treatments with maintenance every four to six weeks.’ Just like going to the gym our clients not only look better but feel better for it.

Rather than wait until the wrinkles creep in, it’s also better to start CACI early – think of it as strength training for your face. ‘Ageing can start from 25 + when we start to lose collagen and elastin which maintains the skin’s firmness,’ says Lauren. ‘We lose approx. 1% per year. This results in a sagging appearance. We also start to lose fat which gives us that youthful, plumpness. Our muscles and bones also change, giving a more sunken appearance. Muscles start to lose their volume, strength, and elasticity. This all happens naturally in the ageing process, but lifestyle can also accelerate this.’

A CACI treatment works like a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) class. Stage one (Gliding) is like the warm-up and weight-lifting stage of the treatment. The next stage (Quick stroke) is fast movements likened to a cardio workout, and the final stage (Feathering) is like the cool down section of the face workout - where product is pushed into the skin to help cool, calm and hydrate the skin.

CACI Treatments to Get Skin Fit:

Best for Muscle Strengthening: CACI Synergy signature Non-Surgical Facial

Best for Lip Plumping: CACI Lip Booster

Best for Jowl Definition: CACI Jowl Lift

Best for Facial Sculpting: CACI Micro-Touch

Best For Legs and Bums: CACI ECM

Best for Body Acne (ideal for regular exercisers) – CACI Clear & Calm Back Facial

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