Back in 1994, Princess Diana – known for her natural, noble radiance - made CACI a household name when press headlines announced that she was having regular CACI treatments with facialist Chrissy Fitzgerald in her private clinic in London’s Beauchamp Place. The Princess Diana ‘Look No Wrinkles’ story made global news and the very following week an article was published about the Peter Pan of pop, Cliff Richard also having CACI non-surgical facial treatments. CACI HQ started to receive enquiries from all over the world, from new businesses wishing to purchase CACI machines for their salons to those interested in distributing CACI in other countries. As a result, Dr Thomas Wing granted CACI world distribution rights. Today, we’re proud to say CACI is found in 102 countries worldwide. CACI has also become synonymous with the non-surgical face lift and is the go-to red-carpet facial for a host of radiant A-list complexions.
Fast forward to today – Diana-mania is back. Spencer hit cinemas nationwide end of 2021 with Kristen Stewart’s compelling portrayal of Diana, with reviews highlighting Stewart’s uncanny magnetism. Australian actress Elizabeth Debicki – another celebrity CACI fan – is set to star as Princess Diana in the highly anticipated The Crown Season 5.